"It's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you…"
I am on my way home from an-after-work moment with myself and I
decided to o see that new movie "When in Rome". It's cute. Typical
chick flick. Did the job. Anyway, on te train is when I noticed it
would be a nice time to caught up on my blogging. Had a lot on my
plate. Between school that started back up, my other job, and wotking
on my photography… You know the rest. I can't complain, I'm
plesantly busy.
This is my last semester of BMCC, which I'm very excited about. That
way I can go on the an art school.
So I only had one more class that I needed to take but I saw that my
school had a typography and layout class so I said what the heck!?!
This is a little off the topic but no matter how long a person has
lived in NYC the charades never seemto get old. I'm sitting on a 2
train and here are all the things that are going on:
1. A lady staring and smiling at herself in the glass from her.
2. A guy walks in with the his make-up looking better than a lot of
3. Two of the loudest girls talkin about school as if everyone want to
her the conversation about how much they love Ms. What-ever-her-name-is.
4. Three girls singing lyrics from Nicki Minaj (we know how filthy her
mouth is).
And 5. My neighbor that is falling asleep on me.
It's been a long weekend
And I'm not even half way home yet.