Obama puts a cap on wall street “workers”
apparently the president has decided that one of the primary things to do to fix america’s shitty economy is to put a cap on the greedy wall street workers salaries. i concur mr. president. fine. that is still more than enough money to live a comfortable life with, a little less than what they are used to making but its time they learn not to be greedy pigs. the CEO of merrill lynch renovated the office (his office rug cost over $80,000!!!). as i was watching an interview with this selfish man all i saw was a man that thought that how he was living was completely fine. in one part of the interview he was asked why he felt the need to redecorated the merrill lynch offfice & he said because it needed to be. when they asked him why he was giving million dollar bonuses when it just could not be afforded he said “you must always pay your best workers”. NO SHIT SHERLOCK BUT MILLION DOLLAR BONUSES IS RIDICULOUS. my question is was it only Obama & the working class people that knew that this would make america poor in a matter of time? it seems like pure unadulterated common sense to me…
i bet your wondering why i am so passionate about this but you should be too. i don’t think this recession is only kicking my ass we are all in bad shape.
now that i got that of my chest… in other news:
so, i found my SEGA. was definitely playing it like it was brand new. what game was i playing? none other than sonic the hedgehog & we cant forget the flying, wall climbing, coolest game hero knuckles. only the greatest game ever… to me at least, that’s all that matters. lets reminisce remember how you had to press + hold the down arrow button while you press c to get him to go fast thru the loops. oh & remember fighting robotnik. you had to hit the friggin guy like 8 times before he died 🙂 i just thought about when the cartridge doesn’t work the first time you out it in the system. somehow we think its dust in it so we blow inside if it until it works again lmao. last one, remember the bonus rounds & if you get all the emeralds you get super sonic or super knuckles!!!!*she sighs & smiles* i love this game.

25 things you probably didnt know about me…or maybe you did.
1. i really really love my family.
2. i am territorial.
3. i have a blog 🙂
4. i am an aspiring photographer.
5. i laugh when people cry only because i cannot handle emotional situations.
6. i really hate my current school.
7. i dont trust people without knowing them for a couple of years…
8. i cannot watch movies like texas chainsaw massacre because it was supposedly a true story but i can watch saw (although i think that the producer & director need to be locked up in a mad house because their minds are warped)
9. i hate muffins, after your done with the top what else is there???
10. i hate soup. all kinds of it.
11. i love new york. i will never leave this place.
12. i am scared to take pictures of people because i dont know if they are camera shy.
13. i love kids. they are the most honest & funniest people in the world.
14. i think that some elderly people abuse the fact that they are elderly. they say whatever they want to whomever they want.
15. i am working on not saying anything at all if i have nothing nice to say.
16. i am the same person with everybody i know & would appreciate it if everyones else did the same.
17. voting for barack obama for president of america was the proudest moment of my life to date.
18. self centered people make me angry. i think those kind of people should take interest in something else other then themselves!
19. i wish people would be more uplifting towards one another.
20. i am working on not hating dogs anymore. im getting there.
21. i think male graphic designers are sexy.
22. i get up, turn my alarm off, then go back into the bed & end up oversleeping every morning. i get to class right on time tho 😉
23. i drink tea every day.
24. i love starbucks. the atmosphere. the people. ahhhh
25. i love my house.
2. i am territorial.
3. i have a blog 🙂
4. i am an aspiring photographer.
5. i laugh when people cry only because i cannot handle emotional situations.
6. i really hate my current school.
7. i dont trust people without knowing them for a couple of years…
8. i cannot watch movies like texas chainsaw massacre because it was supposedly a true story but i can watch saw (although i think that the producer & director need to be locked up in a mad house because their minds are warped)
9. i hate muffins, after your done with the top what else is there???
10. i hate soup. all kinds of it.
11. i love new york. i will never leave this place.
12. i am scared to take pictures of people because i dont know if they are camera shy.
13. i love kids. they are the most honest & funniest people in the world.
14. i think that some elderly people abuse the fact that they are elderly. they say whatever they want to whomever they want.
15. i am working on not saying anything at all if i have nothing nice to say.
16. i am the same person with everybody i know & would appreciate it if everyones else did the same.
17. voting for barack obama for president of america was the proudest moment of my life to date.
18. self centered people make me angry. i think those kind of people should take interest in something else other then themselves!
19. i wish people would be more uplifting towards one another.
20. i am working on not hating dogs anymore. im getting there.
21. i think male graphic designers are sexy.
22. i get up, turn my alarm off, then go back into the bed & end up oversleeping every morning. i get to class right on time tho 😉
23. i drink tea every day.
24. i love starbucks. the atmosphere. the people. ahhhh
25. i love my house.
how bout those grammys !
the grammy award show as a whole was good last nite, besides the rihanna & chris brown mishap where they had to fill in their slots because performances were cancelled. sound check wasn’t so great & i just wasn’t to keen on the hair kanye was sporting.